SEO vs Google Ads

SEO vs Google Ads : Which is better


In this digital era, businesses often get confused to decide between investing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google Ads to improve their search visibility. 

Both SEO and Google Ads have their unique advantages and play a vital role in a comprehensive digital marketing . Both these strategies are equally important for online businesses to gain relevant audiences and to make an informed decision about their online marketing efforts.

Well further in this blog post we will be providing clarity on SEO vs. Google Ads debate by showing you how the strategy works on each of this format. 

Also we will be looking into some of the respective pros and cons, that will allow you to choose the best based on your business Environment and objectives. So stay tuned with Sujit Shukla. 

How Google Ads Work

Google Ads mainly operates on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, allowing businesses to bid on the relevant keywords of their product and services they are Selling.

How Google Ads Work.

The main aim is to place the ad at the top of Google’s search results pages, ensuring maximum visibility to the audience. Now as we had understood about how Google ads work, Let’s dive into the mechanics of Google Ads to understand how it functions

Bidding Process and Cost Per Click (CPC)

  • In Google ads, Advertisers do participate in keyword auctions where they place bids on each keyword which they want to target. The bid mainly represents the maximum amount they’re willing to pay for a click on their ad.
  • Google’s auction bidding system mainly considers bid amounts, ad quality, and other factors to determine ad rank and placement.
  • The Cost Per Click (CPC) is the actual amount that an advertiser pays each time when someone clicks on their ad. Advertisers must only have to pay when audiences click on their ads, making CPC a crucial metric for budget management.

Benefits of Google Ads

  • Top Placement in Search Results: Google Ads allows businesses to secure prime spots on the top of Google search engine results pages ranking (SERPs), increasing the visibility and click-through rates.
  • Local Targeting Options: Advertisers can also target ads by targeting specific geographic locations, ensuring that they reach their relevant audience.
  • Customization of Ad Scheduling and Landing Pages: Google Ads offers flexibility in scheduling, advertisers can schedule their Ad based on time, day or week or particularly for some specific events. Not only that, advertisers do also create effective landing pages to improve the user experience and drive relevant traffic.
  • Conversion Tracking and Remarketing Capabilities: Google Ads has some advanced robust tracking tools that allow advertisers to regularly monitor the conversions and measure the effectiveness of Google ads campaigns. Apart from this, remarketing feature is also available to re-engage with users who have previously interacted with their ads.

Disadvantages of Google Ads

  • Short-Term Solution: Although Google Ads will provide you with immediate results in terms of ad visibility and your website traffic, always remember it is a short-term solution. Once your ad campaigns are paused and your budgets are over then your website visibility also decreases.
  • Higher Costs Compared to SEO: Google Ads can be an expensive factor, especially for competitive keywords and industries. Advertisers have to keep on investing in their campaigns if they want visibility, making it more expensive as compared to organic search traffic generated through SEO practice.
  • Limitations in Account Setup and Ad Labeling: Google Ads might impose certain limitations or restrictions based on multiple accounts setup and domains within a single advertising account. Not only that, ads displayed through Google Ads are labeled in such a way that it might sometimes affect user perception and click-through rates.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of Google Ads is very important for businesses which are mainly looking to enhance paid advertising effectively and maximize their online presence. By carefully analyzing the Google ads campaign businesses can easily meet their goals. 

How SEO Works

Search Engine Optimization is one of the primary and fundamental aspects of digital marketing. It mainly aims to improve the search visibility and ranking on search engine results pages. 

How SEO Work

Unlike paid advertising, which will give you immediate results by the increase in your website traffic , As Sujit Shukla emphasizes, SEO might take time as it is a long term process and it mainly  focuses on organic traffic generation and sustainable growth. So let’s explore the fundamentals of SEO and its key components:

Description of SEO as a Long-Term Solution for Website Optimization

SEO optimizes various aspects of a website to enhance its relevance and to increase its authority in Google search Engine.

Unlike paid advertising, which only offers short-term visibility, SEO focuses on establishing a strong online presence over time, resulting in sustainable rankings and to increase organic traffic.

Components of SEO

  • Content Creation and Optimization: High-quality and relevant content is the key of SEO. Creating informative and engaging content implementing relevant keywords will help you to attract more and more organic traffic.
  • Technical Improvements for Website Performance: Technical SEO involves optimizing website structure, page speed, mobile responsiveness and other technical aspects of the website which helps your website to improve user experience and search engine crawlability.
  • Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: Setting measurable goals and tracking (KPIs) key performance indicators such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, and conversion rates are essential to effectively monitor your SEO performance.

Benefits of SEO

  • Sustainable Rankings Over Time: SEO can lead to sustainable rankings on search engine results pages, driving continuous organic traffic to the website.
  • Organic Traffic Generation: By using relevant keywords in your website and providing valuable content, SEO helps you attract relevant traffic, who are actively searching for products or services related to your business.
  • Cost-Effectiveness Compared to Paid Advertising: While SEO requires an upfront investment in terms of time and resource, it simultaneously offers long-term benefit by generating organic traffic on a regular basis .
  • Building Trust with Users Through Organic Search Results: Websites that rank on the top of the Google search result are mainly considered as more trustworthy and authoritative by users, leading to increase in search visibility and traffic.

Disadvantages of SEO

Well as you know SEO has many advantages but at the same time it also has major drawbacks which you might not know. 

Well SEO is a Time-Consuming process in terms of result: SEO is not a quick solution; it takes time to get your website on the top of the SERP ranking and after reaching at the top of the Google search engine result page, it takes utmost to sustain at the top competing with your competitors. 

It may take several months to see significant improvements in search engine rankings and organic traffic.

Ongoing Effort Required for Maintenance: SEO is not a one time process it is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring, updates, and adjustments based on the change of algorithms of Google, not only that key an eye on the changing industry trends. 

Lack of Immediate Returns Compared to Google Ads: Unlike Google Ads, which usually offers immediate results by increasing your search visibility and traffic, SEO may not deliver that immediate returns, especially for new websites or competitive keywords it takes time to rank. 

Last but not the least, despite the challenges it is highly recommended that every business should invest in their SEO to establish a strong online presence and to attract more and more organic traffic. 

By properly understanding the fundamental aspects of SEO and implementing effective strategies, businesses can effectively improve their brand visibility on search engines and can stay ahead of the competition.

Comparison: SEO vs. Google Ads


The main objective of this section is to give you a brief understanding of strengths and weaknesses of both SEO and Google Ads. We will be providing a detailed comparison guiding businesses to make informed decisions about their digital marketing strategies.

Comparison Table:

AspectSEOGoogle Ads
Visibility & RankingBy effectively implementing SEO your website will be getting a Gradual improvement in SERP ranking. By running ads effectively of your website your website might get Immediate visibility and top placements.
CostSEO requires Upfront investment and it helps in having long-term benefitsPay-per-click model; higher immediate costs
LongevitySEO helps in Sustainable rankings over timeGoogle ads is Short-term solution, and also requires long term investment to sustain in the top of the Google search engine ranking.
TargetingSEO has Limited targeting optionsGoogle Ads helps in Advanced targeting options by demographics, location, etc.
CredibilitySEO helps in Building credibility with organic rankingsMay be perceived as ads
FlexibilitySEO has less flexibility in targeting specific keywordsThere is High level of control over keywords and ad placement in Google ads
Time InvestmentSEO is a Time-consuming ProcessYou can see Immediate results with ad campaigns
MaintenanceOngoing effort for maintenance and updatesRequires regular monitoring and adjustments
Cost-effectivenessSEO is Cost-effective in long runGoogle will give you immediate results  but it may be costly over time
User TrustBuilds trust through organic search resultsMay be viewed skeptically as paid advertisements


Both SEO and Google Ads come with distinct advantages and drawbacks, making them suitable for different business needs, budgets, and goals.

  • SEO is ideal for businesses which are continuously seeking for sustainable long-term growth, credibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, it requires immense patience, ongoing effort, and time to see significant results.
  • Google Ads provides immediate visibility and control over ad placement, making it suitable for businesses which are looking for short term benefits, immediate budget availability, and specific targeting requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between SEO and Google Ads depends on various factors such as budget, time constraints, targeting preferences, and long-term objectives. For better results, businesses should consider integrating both these strategies to leverage their respective strengths and maximize their online visibility and success.

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